The Legoto is a Breakthrough System for Trans-Epidermal Delivery of medications .
The legato was developed to overcome the challenge of introducing cosmeceuticals beneath the skin without interference from the stratum corneum (outer layer of skin barrier ).
The legato is a dual stage system that uses RF and ultrasound technologies to introduce cosmeceuticals beneath the skin surface .
The protocol first calls for fractional skin ablation and creating microchannels in the skin .
The Legato then harnesses the power of acoustic ultrasonic waves, pushing cosmeceuticals into these microchannels directly to the area that will most benefit from the active ingredients.
The Legato is designed for the treatment of scars and stretch marks Two indications for which there is no effective solution .
Other indications that may benefit from the delivery of cosmeceuticals directly beneath the skin include skin lightening and rejuvenation Ipixel.
The fist step of legato system is to create microchannels in the skin.
The Legato uses the ipixelRF a radio wave generator that causes precise and controlled thermal damage and fractional ablation . As the ipixel makes contact with the skin ,small plasma sparks are released that pierce the epidermis and cause fractional skin ablation forming the microchannels Each microchannel is 80-120 microns in diameter and has a depth of 100-150 microns, depending on the RF power settings.
The advantage of Trans Epidermal Delivery compared to topical .oral ,and hypodermic injections-is the ability to deliver the appropriate dose of cosmeceuticals directly to the location that will most benefit .
when cosmeceuticals are introduced directly to biological tissue ,they are more deeply absorbed and provide a strong therapeutic effect .until now, the main problem with effective delivery of skin care products /cosmeceuticals ,was the fact that the stratum cornum is a very effective barrier to outside elements ( It acts like a Brick wall )
Cosmeceuticals are applied following the creation of the microchannels done by fractional skin ablation.
The cosmeceuticals are forced through the microchannels by impact Ultrasound unit.
Impact is the name of the ultrasound unit that acts as a vibrator ,releasing acoustic waves that push the cosmeceuticals into the skin via the microchannels.
The acoustics vibrations of the ultrasound leads to radiation pressure that gives the cosmeceuticals greater mobility and reactivity .This increases the amount of cosmeceuticals that enter the body, thereby increasing the affectivity of the cosmeceuticals.
What to treat
· Post Acne scaring
· Post-surgical scars
· Rejuvenation and tightening
Sessions are spaced one month apart and improvement is noticed after 3 month
What will I look like after the session ?
Depending on the depth, you will be red and little bruised for 24-48 hr.s
Sun screens and blocks are mandatory.
وضعت تقنية legato للتغلب علي التحدي المتمثل في ادخال الادويه
تحت الجلد دون تدخل من الطبقه الخارجيه من الجلد كونها تعمل كحائط عازل للجسم من الخارج.
ان تقنية legato الحديثه هي نظام مزدوج يستخدم تقنيات الموجات
اللاسلكيه والموجات فوق الصوتيه لكي يسمح بالادويه التجميلية تحت سطح الجلد.
ان البروتوكول يدعو اولا الي خلق مسارات ميكروسكوبية في الجلد.
ثم ان legato يتم تسخير قوة الموجات فوق الصوتيه مما يدفع بالادوية الي هذه المسارات الميكروسكوبية مباشره الى المنطقه التي سوف تستفيد الى اقصى حد من المكونات النشطة.
ان legato مصممة لعلاج الندبات بكافة انواعها ( الندبات الجراحية
وندبات ما بعد حب الشباب والخطوط البيضاء في الجسم وهما حالتين لا
يوجد لها حل فعال بدون تدخل جراحي .
يمكن ايضا علاج اي حاله ستستفيد من دخول الادويه الى داخل الجلد
(كتبييض الاماكن الداكنه وتحسين الجلد من اثار كبر السن).
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